20 Questions Tuesday: 193 - Chris Ring

I don’t remember exactly when (it has been a few years) Chris Ring started posting in the forums on my Internet home away from home, the Ten Ton Studios forum, but when he did, he immediately set alarm bells off for most everyone there.  Aside from his glowing personality and rapier wit, he has mad drawing skills, yo!.  Everything he does is insanely polished.  I have never really seen a “sketch” or “thumbnail” from him… only drawings… full fledged drawings, often in full color, and always professional.  He has a very clean and clear drawing style that allows for a strong sense of texture without over cluttering the drawings with any extra lines.  He has a strong sense of design and movement in his work so, it did not surprise me to find out he delt with art professionally.  I always learn from looking at his finished pieces, which just tells me that I would learn tons if I could watch his process from beginning to end… so get to video-ing yourself drawing so I can get better…

He and I have been chatting via the Internets for a good long while, and I would unequivicably consider him a strong Internet friend, and I he is one of the few people from the Interwebs that I would be willing to make an effort to meet in the real world.  Oddly, he seems to have a good head on his shoulders, but that could be an act.  Without further ado, I present 20 questions with Chris Ring:

I have always been interested in geography and maps, so it is should not be a surprise that my first question tends to always be the same.  If you have read my blog before, you know mine, so let’s just get into it, Question 1: What is your geographic story? Where have you lived in your life?

The phrase “You can take the boy out of Jersey but ya can’t take Jersey out of the boy” tends to follow me around. Born and bred in Monmouth County NJ (Springsteen Country). Crossed the river to go school at SJU in Philly and have been in PA ever since, Williamsport area to be exact, but I’ve still managed to keep all those endearing qualities that Jerseyians are famous for.

I am surprised, I would have thought you had lived more places.

Question 2: Do you travel much, and if so, how much and how far?

Nope, don’t move a lot but travel, yep, travel quite a bit. Not really exotic place travel but more get in the car and go traveling. I average over 25,000 miles on my car every year and I don’t really drive for my job so that’s a lot of extra curricular driving divided over: visiting, comic shows, car shows, sports and misc. adventuring. The farthest away I’ve ever been is back to the motherland, the town of Ring in the south of Ireland. Unfortunately it’s one of the few towns where they still speak Irish … and I don’t, but Guinness is Guinness in any language. Love Ireland and would go back in a heartbeat.

Question 3: So are you a straight up stout man or do you go with a black and tan configuration…  Me?  I like some Harp or some Bass underneath my Guinness…

For convenience sake I usually drink it straight up but if you know a place that will cozy a nice half pint of Guinness on top of a half pint of Bass, I say LET’S GO! For Christmas I received a Sam Adams variety case which consisted of Lagers, Porters, Ales, Stouts and a couple combos like Black & Tan. It was awesome. One thing I WILL NOT drink is Coors Light. I would not could not in a car. I would not, could not in a bar. I would not could not with my mates. I would not, could not on a date. I will not drink it so let me be, that swill tastes too much like pee!*
(*for the record I have never actually tasted pee)

I think we are lucky that we came of age in the micro-brew revolution.  Sometimes I feel bad for people 20 years older than me who only had the opportunity to have mass produced crap to swill.

Onto some comic-booky kinds of questions…  I have mentioneed many times that it was John Byrne working on Captain America in the late 70’s early 80’s that hooked me on comic books. Question 4: What was “THE’ moment/issue that hooked you on comics?

That’s an easy one. As a kid, they used to give out a free comic when you bought a pair of Buster Brown shoes. My first comic was a Daredevil comic if I remember correctly and he’s still my favorite character. I can’t say I was hooked then though, because I only read a comic every time I got a new pair of shoes and then later just sporadically. I was HOOKED years later when I  stumbled into a deli/newstand for lunch, and while I was waiting for a sandwich I saw the second issue of “Kraven’s Last Hunt” which was running through all the Spidey titles at the time. JM Dematteis, Mike Zeck and Bob Mcleod worked on all the issues and it was stellar. That trio infused so many emotions into those pages, FEAR being a constant theme. I quickly found the first issue and waited anxiously for the rest. Probably my best comic reading experience ever and the art… well let’s just say it changed me from a casual doodler to aspiring artist… to eventually a professional illustrator. Though my living comes from commercial illustration (comics are more of a casual freelance thing) it all started with seeing that Zeck and Mcleod art, that’s when I started to get serious about my own art and reading comics regularly.

It is really amazing when you talk to people who enjoy drawing and are either drawing comics, aspiring to draw comics, or just enjoy drawing comic book characters, they usaully know the exact issue that hooked them.  For you it was Kraven’s Last Hunt, and for me it was the Baron Blood story-line for Cap.

Question 5: When did you realize that you not only enjoyed drawing, but that you were really good at it?

Hmmm, that’s trickier. I realized in kindergarten that I was better at drawing than most of my classmates so I was “that” kid early on in school. “Get Chris to draw it, he’s a good drawer”. In 7th and 8th grade I actually did a little story featuring “Eggberts”. Eggberts had human bodies with Pac-man type heads and sharp teeth. You could make them into any historical character. I think the first character I did was Marco Polo Eggbert. Why? No idea, probably studying him at the time. Anyway I started incorporating classmates into the world of Eggberts for a nominal fee of 50 cents a drawing. I made about $5 before “the man” shut me down … got caught drawing during music class … I failed music class. Still never gave any thought to being an artist when I grew up. I was into sports heavily and honestly thought only people who were like Rembrandt, Davinci and Picasso from birth were good enough to be professional artists. It wasn’t until I sold my first comic strip in college that the light bulb went off and I thought, hey, maybe I can do this. That’s when I started to devote serious time to it and even then I didn’t consider myself really good at it, because the artists I who inspired me were a gazillion times better. So talent was recognized early on but if you don’t do anything with, which I didn’t, you have a boatload of catching up to do, which I did.  

Interesting… I am even more inpressed by your abilities than I was before.  To have really picked it up and start taking it so seriously, so late… damn, man.  I think I might dislike you some because of your innate ability.  Stupid innate ability. So do you have any of the Eggberts left? Care to share if you do?

So, I love the answers to this question, and I cannot wait to see yours… Question 6: Cake or pie?

Haha, I WISH I had an Eggbert left to show my kids. Nope, most went to classmates and the rest hung in the corner of Mrs. Donnelly’s classroom coat closet, surely taken down and discarded at the end of the year by the custodian. Aaaah, Mrs. Donnelly, we all had mad crushes on Mrs. Donnelly … but I digress. CAKE OR PIE???! No contest. PIE!!!. Pie beats everything … except Batman, nothing beats Batman. If you’re playing Rock, Paper, Scissors always throw down Pie, Pie beats everything. Pie is so versatile it literally can be every course of a meal. You can start with a nice quiche for an appetizer. Chicken Pot Pie for an entree. A nice fruit pie (blueberry is my favorite) to cleanse your pallette. Then for dessert, finish with a nice Key Lime Pie or Boston Creme Pie. Really, your choices are only limited by your imagination. I’m not dissing cake but Pie rules.

That is the thing about pie… it is very versitile, much like pizza (which is often referred to as pie anyway).  Cake is merely for dessert or snack.  The interesting thing is that people who choose cake, love cake with a rabidity can only be described as meth head-ish…

Question 7: What is it about cake eaters that makes them so virulent?

Excuse me while I look up virulent, see kids, you actually learn things on “20 Questions Tuesday”. I have no hard facts to back this up (that’s Reilly’s thing) but I’d say there is an air of pretentiousness and competetiveness that goes along with cake decorating. Sure you have your annual pie baking/pie eating contests at your local county fair, but it all seems more neighborly and Americana. With cake, it’s televised battles, Cake Bosses, Cupcake WARS, and Kim Kardashian spending more time picking out her wedding cake than actually being married. In a particular pie, every piece is deliciously the same but in a cake one piece may have the coveted ROSE or may be a corner piece with more icing, so even in cake eating there is a competition to get the best piece. Pie is like the Knights of the Round Table, no place is more coveted than the rest. Cake? … not so much. It’s a cake eat cake world out there and everyone wants the Rose… And don’t even get me started on tiered cakes as a metaphor for social hieracrchy.

I so want to read your metaphor about social hierarchy and tiered cakes… at the moment there is not much else I would like to read… I have to say, your assessment of why is pretty incredibly well thought out.  I’m digging it… a bunch.

Speaking of social hierarchy… Question 8: How do you think the democratization of entertainment on the Internet (the ability for regular Joes without the aid of a massive distribution system to makie their creations available) will end up affecting the social entertainment hierarchy?  How do you think this whole “new media” will change the “old media?”

Wow, that’s a Reilly question but I’ll take a stab and I’ll be candid (in other words, probably wrong). The cream rises to the top and with “new media” it can get out there almost instantaneously (once completed of course, there’s that hurdle). So yeah, I’m all for the little guy taking a bite out of the media pie (see that? see what I did there? it ALL comes back to pie). In the 90’s I worked on a creator owned limited series called CarbonKnight and I used every means at my disposal to get the book out there. I was a self promotion whore doing newspaper, magazine and even local TV interviews to talk about the series and comics in general and it was all FREE! that’s the whore part. I convinced people in the media that it was something worth talking about and I was able to convince them because I believed it was. In the end I sold over 5000 books from the series and while I had a blast and considered it a success, it certainly wasn’t enough to make a living off of and wasn’t enough for Diamond to keep distributing at the time, so when the story arch ended I moved on. My point is if you have something good you believe in use every means possible to promote it but in the end to be a continuing success it still needs to eventually be embraced by “traditional media”. Hits on the internet may be fun to rack up but if they don’t translate to cash, to me, they are more of a novelty than a viable product. The one “new media” tool I’m still on the fence about is comic kickstarter projects. Investing is one thing but “kickstarting” has the air of internet panhandling. I funded my own projects through hard work and long hours and took pride in doing so. If someone handed me a few g’s to start a comic and it panned, I’d feel responsible for it. In an investment if it pays off, the investor gets a piece of the action but kickstarting is just a hand out, right? A movie kickstarter project I can grasp a little more but a comic?? Really?? Roll your sleeves up Nancy. Like I said, I’m probably wrong and I have friends who are involved in kickstarter comics but it leaves me scratching my head a bit. Anywho back to the original question, RIGHT NOW I think “new media” can be a tool to present new work and ideas but to be a success they still have to be embraced by “old

media”… but that could change tomorrow.

I have found that with most kickstarter campaigns, of which I have currently pledged funds for 7 campaigns, all 7 of which met their goals…. I have said it before and I am saying it again, kickstarter campaigns should start paying me to fund their projects because I am less a project backer and more a success prophet… anyway… with the kickstarters I have been associated with, the funding is pretty much guaranteed sales.  I am not completely bank-rolling a job, but pre-purchasing a product.  For one I bought a pack of cards, for another I get a book, for another a t-shirt for rather reasonable prices.  I don’t see that as necessarily hand outs.

Question 9: Why do you feel that Reilly’s opinion is more valid than yours in this instance?  Do you feel inferior to Reilly?  Why or why not?

See, I told you I was probably wrong. In all your instances your support paid off and was rewarded, obviously the system works. Maybe I’m just jealous I did things the hard way, you know like walking to school uphill, both ways in a snow storm type thing. Perhaps my next project will be a kickstarter but I’ll be sure to run it by you first since you obviously can spot a winner.

As for Reilly’s opinion on the matter, I totally yield to it. He has done more research on the subject and is m

ore in tune with the latest technology in terms of “new media”. I don’t even have an iPhone and an app. is what I make to see the dentist. Do I feel inferior to Reilly? Reilly is a young, smart, talented, handsome lad. I was all those things once and I’m fighting the good

fight to hold onto a couple of those attributes. When Reilly talks sometimes I think “there’s the next  CEO of Marvel”, other times I think, “ah, he’s just a kid”. I think any aspiring comic artist can learn from Reilly, the kid works hard and sometimes I think aspiring artists don’t realize how much work is involved and how much one gives up to be a comic artist. I love comics and will always draw them but my love for other things has and will probably always keep me in the commercial art field where my talents and experience are better suited. So inferior? Hell NO! I’ve been truely blessed in my family, pursuits and successes… but Reilly is a better comic artist than me and he’s still in his twenties, for that he deserves a punch in the nuts.   

I am sure that there are many things for which Reilly deserves a punch in the nuts… in fact , I bet there is a list out there somewhere in the Interwebs that defines in some semblance of an order his nut-punching offenses.  I think Reilly is much more knowledgeable in the distribution model shifts because he has dogs in that fight, in fact, almost all of his dogs are in that fight.  You and I have careers outside of convincing people top buy sequential art.

Infact… Question 10:  Tell me about your day job… not really a questions as much as a request, is it?

Currently I’m the Art Director for JanWay Company. We mainly provide promotional and fundraising items for libraries across the country but we also have a business division that provides advertising and promotional items for businesses. So that leaves me and my team in the art dept. the task of creating all the art and logos needed for both divisions. This entails: illustration, photography, design and layout using traditional media and the entire Adobe Creative Suite. One of the reasons I usually use traditional media at the home studio is because I’m on the computer a lot for the day job. The best part of my job is that being in charge I get to keep the more interesting projects and get to dole out the more meat and potatoes stuff. Like many artists the most frustrating part of my job is focusing on the task at hand when you just want to draw Hellboy … buuut while Hellboy pays Mike Mignola’s mortgage, it doesn’t pay mine. It’s a good job and leaves me the freedom to do freelance work and spend time with my family, that’s really important. I’ve attached a couple samples to give you an idea of what I get to do in terms of illustration, though much of my job is more managerial (overseeing projects, meetings, dotting i’s, crossing t’s etc…).

Ah, I wasn’t sure what the focus of your company was, but promotional materials for libraries makes complete sense.  I have always dug when you showed off your dayjob stuff online.  Always so crisp and clean.  Great stuff, I love all the pieces you have there.

Speaking of wanting to only draw Hellboy, Question 11: Is there a particular comic book property that you would sacrifice small animals on an alter to draw?

Daredevil. I just feel there is an endless well there to be tapped. I mean if Law & Order can be on forever and produce a number of spin offs that have had great runs, producing great DD stories continuously should be doable. I have been collecting DD on and off for a long time and there have been some great runs by some talented teams. Miller/Romita and Smith/Quesada were two of my favorites, but I’ve also dropped the title flat when I thought the story or art weren’t up to my standards. I definitely hold that book to a higher standard than I do others. It’s a book that should have the high flying adventure a superhero book promises but can also be quite intelligent/intriguing by tapping into the court room side. Can you tell I want to write it too? LOL.

I followed JR JR from X-Men to Daredevil in the 80’s.  His run on that was pretty amazing.  I have always felt that he has been sort of an afterthought in the Marvel universe.  I would love to see you write and draw a treatment of DD.  That would be teh awesomest.

So, I know from previous interactions that you have kids.  I, however, didn’t care enough to remember relative ages of your offspring or if there is more than one of them.  It is a selfish character flaw of mine.  I have 2 relatively young kids right now (8.667 and 3.5), and I was wondering… Question 12: Do/did your kid/s ever ask you to draw comic book characters for him/her/them or for his/her/their friends?

Not really. I used to get more of that from my family growing up, you know, special occasion cards/gifts and such. All three of my kids have sketchbooks that me, Ten Ton members and some other heavy hitters have drawn in so they have that. Occasionally they’ll ask that I don’t sell something. For instance my son called dibs on my “Calvenom & Hobbes” sketch challenge and my daughter called dibs on my “Hellboy’s Summer Vacation” sketch challenge, that makes me happy. I think they pretty much know that they can take whatever Dad draws as long as it’s not a commission, so they don’t request much. They also know I always have a couple freelance things that I’m already late on and Dad’s studio time is money. More drawing time is less time spent with them doing other things, so there’s that too.

I always love your take on existing iconic properties, you have a great ability to mimic the style of others.  Seriously, your ability to mimic Watterson on the Venom and Hobbes is delightful.  Occasionally I get a request for Batman or Spiderman, but typically I get requests for Clone Troopers from The Clone Wars.  Overall, I need to make the helmets bigger.  

So Question 13: What would you do-oo-oo for a Klondike bar?

C’mon! you can’t make a comment about needing bigger helmets and not expect me to knock that one out of the park. Is this a family show? I’ll show some restraint. Mimicing style can be frowned upon in the comic world if it’s taken past the point of an homage. In the commercial field it’s essential and not given much thought. If a client says they want something to have the feel of a Leroy Neiman painting or a Norman Rockwell painting well that’s what you deliver because they’re paying you and they want what they want. If you don’t deliver, they’ll find someone who will so you learn to be a bit of a chameleon. One time someone had looked over my deviantart gallery and asked “Do you have a style?” because I do tend to work in more than one style, from very realistic to cartooney and some stops in between. Many have used the word “retro” when it comes to my comic style which I still don’t see but enough people have said it so I’ve been working on modernizing it so as not to have my work look dated. I will always try to grow as an artist, like a dolphin you have to keep swimming or you die (I know that saying is for sharks but I don’t like sharks).

What would I do in a Klondike bar? Probably order a Molson, shoot some pool, talk some hockey and after knocking more than a few back join in a rousing version of “O’ Canada”.

Many people do not know that most graphic design is not art.  Art is personal expression, design is a job trying to meet client expectations… The designer can try to give some artistic direction, but it is always about managing and meeting client expectations.  I am always amazed by how many designers fight supervisors and clients to maintain their “artistic integrity” and lose jobs and contracts because of this.

The best answer I ever heard for the Klondike things was when I asked this guy and looked at his best friend and said, “I would eat my own best friend’s fucking heart in a soup.” We all laughed and laughed and laughed and nervously changed subjects.

So Question 14: You do artsy stuff all day and you draw during your off time, do you do anything else to pass the time?

LOL! we all need a friend with whom we have that type of rapport. I do EVERYTHING else to pass the time, too much in fact, I’d be a better/more prolific artist if I didn’t. I’m a sports nut so I rarely, at risk of getting fired, miss any of my kids sporting events. That fleeting time period is so short I refuse to negotiate about it. I’ve actually come out of retirement as a runner because all three kids are running and two are on the High School Track team so maybe we’ll see what Dad can do on the roads this Summer … my mutant healing factor ain’t what it used to be.

Then there’s the car thing. Long story short my wife Marcie is the president of the SVTOA and freelances as a designer/writer for Ford, she’s worked on numerous car books and posters and does various shows across the country. We are currently restoring a 1964.5 Mustang and she is writing a book about it. At any given time, we have a about a half dozen Mustangs or Ford Prototypes in our basement. I’m her #1 indentured servant and travel quite a bit with her on her car excursions. We’ve met so many great people and even ended up on movie set of “Arthur” when they were filming with the Batmobile… Oh, and occasionally I’m a guest at a comicbook show or two. Our life is an adventure, but really shouldn’t it be? Thoreau said “Most men live lives of quiet desperation” …that’s a shame. Say what you want about comic geeks

but we don’t do that.

THAT car stuff sounds incredible.  I am glad that I started drawing again because I was finding myself with just some empty time that really was just being wasted on computer games and bad TV.  It is always good to have other things to do… now if I could just find an exercise that I enjoy…

Fill in the blank: Question 15: “I am mostly _______________.” and… go!

I’m glad you started drawing again too. Yep, the car stuff is pretty cool, Marcie is quite talented. She was actually interviewed by Jay Leno for his web car show. I didn’t get to go out to CA with her to meet him (I was committed for the Baltimore Comicon) but when Jay called the house I kept the message on my cell phone for giggles.

Hmmm, I am mostly A DAYDREAMER, always have been. It’s probably been the most consistent attribute about me since I was a kid. Being an artist, and at times writer, is just an extension of that. Like a lot of kids, Calvin & Hobbes reflected my childhood and I’ve spent my life trying to make sure I hold dearly to some of that magic while life as an adult tries to wear it away. Fortunately I’ve picked up some allies along the way to help me fight the good fight: My Family, my friends, my Ten Ton brothers (and a few sisters), and all those wonderful people who’ve plunked down some hard cash or more importantly given a kind word to say “Hey, keep daydreaming, we dig it.”

oohh, a Daydreamer.  That is a great response… I really love it.  I have found that having kids can really squash the whole holding “dearly to some of that magic.”  I have found that kids tend to force parents (at least good parents) into some stark relevations of reality.  Stupid reality getting in the way.

So, a question completely out of left feild… Question 16: Whatis your favorite Summer Olympic event and your favorite Winter Olympic event and why?

You’d THINK that having young children around would keep you young but I think that only works if you’re a grandparent. As a parent those really are the years that age you quite a bit because, yes, there are some stark revelations of reality to deal with … and deal with them you must. As my kids got older though (12, 14, 16 now respectively) you are a bit more “freed” up. You don’t change diapers anymore, THEY TRAVEL BETTER, you don’t have to take them to the “potty”, they can get themselves a snack, they can dress themselves etc… Plus they can be an active participant in adventures, comicons, sports etc…

Winter Olympics is easy, Hockey, I was just a kid but I remember the “Miracle” in 1980, we were all glued to the TV, so yeah, US Hockey would be my fav. Summer Olympics is soooo much tougher. I ran Track in H.S., College and even an Olympic development meet so of course my favorite would be in the Track & Field arena. I never qualified for the trials but had lots of friends who did in the mile, steeplechase, 5000 & 10,000 so any time an American has a shot in those events it’s a huge deal but really ALL the Track & Field events are must see for me. If I could take a week off and watch all the Track & Field Olympic events that would be fine by me. Now that my kids are running track in High School, we’re all track junkies.  

I remember when our oldest turned 4 and we did not have the youngest yet…. so much freedom… we are nearing that again as the youngest approaches 4 herself. I was a mere 5.5 yrs old when the miracle on ice happened.  I remember watching my dad watch the game and him going absolutely nuts more than I remember watching the game.

My wife has just seriously gotten into the whole running scene.  last year she started up and ran a half in October and a full in February… she is a badass.  I have shitty feet, although I am getting some physical therapy to help with the shitty feet.  I need to start running, just so I can keep up with her.  The PT thinks that everything should work itself out with exercises and stretching.  I am hoping that is the truth, because I really do want to be able to run again.  I am tired of not being able to keep up with my wife.

This is the last question prior to the three capping questions I always ask, so I will try to make this one a good one.  Question 17: What is the absolute earliest memory you have?

Read about your wife’s running in some of your other posts, she is totally badass, you tell her I said so. Never got into the whole marathon thing, farthest I ever ran on a training run was 17 miles. When I was at my best I could run a 4:13 mile and 24:15 for a 5 miler. My theory is if I could win at those distances why go farther? hell, if I had Usain Bolt speed I’d have run the 100m… . sadly I did not.

Earliest memory? I remember looking through the bars of my crib thinking “naps are stupid, I don’t need a nap”. A few years later when I got to kindergarten and they had nap time I thought “naps are stupid, I don’t need a nap”. Now I wish I could have all those nap times back. I didn’t use them, I should have a naptime IRA sitting somewhere just waiting for me to cash it in.

Naps are the absolute best…  I wish I could have one daily… I think it would eventually increase my productivity.  Okay, a 4:13 mile is insanely fast, and a sub-5 pace for a 5 miler… damn!  that is some crazy speed for that distance.  I imagine if you wanted to run a marathon, you would be able to transfer your running skill pretty easily… but I understand that you don’t want to do that.

So we are at the point where the tables are turned…
Question 18: Do you have any questions for me (please don’t ask what I do)?

I know what you do, you make enter/exit strategy maps for seal team six. The correlation of applied mathematics, cartography and too many hours playing

D&D has provided better security for our great nation … and for that, we salute you. Amongst the living, Who is your dream interview for 20 Questions?

I live to serve.  My unsung Seal Team Six logistical support shall remain unsung…

Huh, That is truly an interesting question.  I am not sure that I have a number 1 That I want to ask 20 questions.  I will answer in 2 parts.  The first part is the person that I want who I could never get in a million years.  I think someone crazy cool and un-touchable like George Clooney, Angelina Jolie, Barak Obama.  Any of those would be great and surprising.  I would love to hear whether Angelina or Brad likes cake or pie.  The second part would be the person, who I may actually have an outside chance to get answering my 20 Crappy Questions.  I think in that group would be some of the podcast celebs I love listening to.  Chris Hardwick at Nerdist, Marc Maron from WTF, or (especially or) Jimmy Pardo from Never Not Funny. (yeah, seriously, Jimmy Pardo is the number 1 since I already got Behrendt).

So, Question 19: Is there anything that you are taking out of this that you did not bring in with you?

Ah, I see, so “Cake or Pie?” will become your signature trademark question when you become as famous as James Lipton. I like it. Well, from your intro I take humble gratitude for your kind words describing my scribblin’. From your questions I take the re-affirmation that I’m pretty full of myself (because I already kinda knew that), who else would answer questions like these thinking that somebody out there amongst the interwebs would find my answers halfway interesting. I also take that I really need to do

the Mid-Ohio Con and knock back a few with my Ten Ton brethren out there, maybe someday. Lastly, as a regular reader, I take away a greater appreciation for 20 Questions Tuesday, thanks for making our lives a little more interesting … or at least sounding that way.

Well, thank you very much.  I honestly do not ask Question 19 with the intention of getting any praise, but I will take it, cause that’s how I roll. I am a needy needy black hole of need.  That being said, as far as if this is interesting to anyone else on the Internets, it is interesting to me, and for my blog, that is all that really matters.

So, the last and final question… Question 20: How can people keep track of you, iffens they want, and What’s next?

I’ve heard that about you. People can keep track of my work at 93cobra.deviantart.com, or through catskill comics at www.catskillcomics.com, or through Ten Ton Studios and Facebook. Right now I really have to finish up the children’s book I’m doing the illustrations for. I’m always taking commissions through Catskill Comics. Next month Con season starts and I will b

e at the Pittsburgh Comicon April 20-22. Then for FREE Comic Book Day - May 5th I will be at Comics & Paperbacks Plus in Palmyra, PA. I have a couple stories in the works but talk is cheap until projects are actually done. Then there’s the day job … there’s that. Just hired somebody to help me out so hopefully my production in other areas will go up. Oh, and Track season is under way so if I’m not working, you’ll find me alongside some Track in Central PA cheering on my kids. Thanks again Scott!

The pleasure was all mine, Ringer!  Everyone please feel free to wish Chris a happy birthday! His birthday was on this past Sunday.  So Happy birthday, Chris, you old old man.  

To recap:
My feet are sooo, sooo tired
But they are feeling better every PT session
Well, they do better every session
Good lord, my feet need to get back their strength
I think it may be time to ditch the orthotic inserts
I think they may be hurting more than helping at the moment
Which, of course, means I need to see some quality time on Zappos.com
Who knew my legs would be so tired as well
Stupid tired feet and legs
I have a few other good interviews going on right now as well
Another, of which has the name of Christopher
So, if that one gets done by this upcoming Tuesday… it will be 3 Chris’ in a row
I have some other folk that I am interested in doing some 20 questions with
Hopefully some of the people I have gotten in contact with will say “Okay, fine, will it shut you up.”
Have a great weekend everyone