It's about time... on the Ranch

Oddly enough, there is no difference today than there really was on Friday. All that is really different is now I have to be vigilant about using "05" on dates. Time is an unbroken continuum; we segment it into little quantifiable units for the ease of our use. What is a second, a minute, and hour, a day, a week, a month, a year, a decade, a century, etc... Those are human constructs to help us understand the passage of time. Time is all relative and our perceptions of it differ from person to person. Time is a very personal thing. For me, the day might be dragging by at a snail's pace, but for someone else, it could be flying by. Both perceptions are correct. I guess, in a convoluted sort of way, I am leading up to a big old "Happy New Year."

Anyway... enough waxing philosophic.

As a quick aside, is there a better secondary condiment than ranch dressing, and not that fancy ass ranch dressing with parmesan cheese, cucumber, and peppercorns. I am talking about nature's bounty called old style ranch dressing, the Hidden Valley Plain stuff. The stuff you can use as a veggie dip, sandwich flavoring, chip dip, pasta sauce, chicken nugget dipping sauce, meat topping in general, etc... The only condiment that is better is ketchup, and that is only because it is full of tomatoey goodness. Ranch is often futzed with, and shouldn't be. While I do love me some bacon, I do not think that Ranch Dressing should contain bacon in the bottle of dressing itself. Add bacon to the dressing, and you pretty much have a meal. Put ranch in Kraft Mac and Cheese (it's the faux cheesiest) and you have yourself a better meal. Throw some bacon in and it becomes a gourmet meal, Canadian bacon, and you have an international gourmet meal (unless, of course, you live in Canadia). I used to like Cool Ranch Doritos, but now I like tortilla chips dipped in ranch dressing (the way Cool Ranch was supposed to be). Ranch covers the food that ketchup cannot, and that is why I love me some ranch dressing. (and not that fat free crap, either. It ain't ranch if it can't clog some artery).