
So here is the deal. We have no idea what the holy hell we are going to do with the house situation. We just had the roof inspected, and it turns out that there are 3 courses of shingles on our roof. This is against the local fire codes, and we honestly do not have any idea as to how this came to be. We did not have another level of shingles added, so there have been 3 courses since before we moved in. I am really pissed at the home inspector that we used for not catching this problem. This is something that has to be remedied prior to us selling the house. Unfortunately, we do not readily have the disposable cash available to immediately jump up and get the roof replaced.

We have no idea housewise what is to come. We have some decisions that have to be made, and I honestly don’t know what the final one will be. Not sure we are moving after all. No recap… no funny… I am just down in the dumps
